Women Writers Forum (WRIFOM) is a newly established Non-Governmental Organization whose sole purpose is to motivate women in Tanzania through writing and reporting on all kinds of issues that directly or indirectly affects their daily lives. Further, the organization aims to give women opportunities to express publicly their strength as well as their challenges, which shall be reported and publicized to the public through our organization.

WRIFOM will be extensively involved in research in remote and urban areas in order to obtain relevant information on different issues that concern women and men. In addition, awareness creation is done through writing, reporting, creating different programs on women’s and men’s issues and highlight challenges they face in our society. Further, WRIFOM  helps journalists enhance and improve their reporting skills on different issues through trainings to be organized.

About Wrifom
WRIFOM is an independent non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan, non-religious voluntary organization established to promote awareness on issues that affects women and men through writing and reporting via the media.

WRIFOM was conceived in 2010 by 10 members. WRIFOM was officially registered as a Non-Governmental Organizations of the Laws of the United Republic of Tanzania with Registration number 00003837 its membership comprises of individuals from multi-disciplinary professions.

WRIFOM is also open to women journalists who work for print, electronic and on line media, book writers, magazines and news agencies; our organization largely targets developing countries.

With its headquarters in Tanzania’s commercial capital, Dar es Salaam, the organization is chiefly involved in policy research, capacity building, networking, organizational development and capacity building.

WRIFOM’s vision is to ensure that Tanzania has a media industry that respects, protects, supports and uphold the dignity of women regardless of their social background, education, religion, age, political affiliation, disability and economic status.

The media is substantively involved in bringing awareness to our society on the level of oppression and subjugation that women in Tanzania are still subjected to.

The organization empowers women through media writing and reporting, advocacy, capacity-building programs, and training workshops to ensure that women recognize that they are still an important part of our society to bring about social, economic and political development regardless of hierarchy which one belongs.

Currently, WRIFOM is served by a staff team of 3 full-time journalists; one based in Dar es Salaam, another one in Mwanza and third is based in Bukoba. The head office is in Dar es Salaam.