• To represent women interests, status and aspirations and to establish women screenwriters, producers and directors, poet, filmmaker, playwright, short story writer and novelist and to stand as representative voice within the various industry structures.
  • Highlight the developmental concerns of marginalized sections of TANZANIA society particularly in rural areas and to draw out perspectives on women on these issues through their writings.
  • To have national writers Festival.
  • To create a sustainable forum for the promotion and marketing of Tanzanian literature and authors.
  • To equip women with skills and knowledge of how to use the media in promoting their position as leaders in the society at large.
  • The forum will collectively address the concerns of women writers for honoring their skills to generate stories on diverse issues, to find space in regional and national media and to encourage new writers in the field through various skills, training and projects.
  •  To rehabilitate vulnerable and desperate women engaging in commercial sex work.
  • To promote women to engage in environmental conservation and to conquer all effect of climate change.
  • To support women generally and by way of publication to learn and have better understand on issues related to death caused by malaria to pregnant women.